Siamese cats deserve a name as special as they are. Whether you're inspired by their Thai heritage, coat color, chattiness, or crossed blue eyes, your new kitty can wear one of these names with pride.
Talkative Siamese Cat Names
Siamese cats are chatty Kathys, so a name focused on a well-known talker makes perfect sense. These famous talk show host names can highlight your Siamese cat's vocal and opinionated nature.
- Conan: As in Conan O'Brien
- Craig: Like Craig Ferguson
- Ellen: As in Ellen DeGeneres
- Fallon: Like Jimmy Fallon
- Joan or Rivers: As in Joan Rivers
- Kimmel: Like Jimmy Kimmel
- Larry: As in Larry King
- Leno: Like Jay Leno
- Letterman: Like David Letterman
- Merv or Griffin: As in Merv Griffin
- Oprah: As in Oprah Winfrey
- Rosie: As in Rosie O'Donnell
Siamese Storyteller Names
Talk show hosts aren't the only well-known talkative figures. Consider other names based on famous talkers, orators, or storytellers. They don't have to be real. If you find one that's fictional, say it out loud. Did it sound like a name you could say for your cat's lifetime?

- Abraham, Abe or Lincoln: As in Abraham Lincoln
- Aesop: As in Aesop's Fables
- Agatha: As in Agatha Christie
- Austen: As in Jane Austen
- Beatrix: As in Beatrix Potter
- Carnegie: As in Dale Carnegie
- Chandler: As in Raymond Chandler
- Chaucer: As in Geoffrey Chaucer
- Cervantes: As in Miguel de Cervantes
- Cicero: As in the "greatest" orator in Rome
- Dickens: As in Charles Dickens
- Disney: As in Walt Disney
- Fitzgerald or Fitzie: As in F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Frederick: As in Frederick Douglass
- Gaiman: As in Neil Gaiman
- Grimm: As in the Brothers Grimm
- Hans: As in Hans Christian Andersen
- Hemingway: As in Ernest Hemingway
- Homer: As in the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey
- Kipling: As in Rudyard Kipling
- Lewis: As in Lewis Carroll
- Oscar: As in Oscar Wilde
- Patrick: As in Patrick Henry
- Pericles: As in the famous orator in Athens
- Rumi: As in the ancient Persian poet
- Scheherazade: As in the Arabian Nights
- Shakespeare: As in William Shakespeare
- Socrates: As in the Greek philosopher
- Seuss: As in Dr. Seuss
- TED: As in TED talks
- Tolkien: As in J.R.R. Tolkien
- Twain: As in Mark Twain
- Tolstoy: As in Leo Tolstoy
- Winston or Churchill: As in Winston Churchill
- Zig: As in Zig Ziglar
Acrobatic Names to Jump On
Siamese cat’s sleek, agile bodies, and incredible acrobatic jumping skills also make them stand out. Acrobatic skills, terms, and experts in this field can be a fun source of names for these limber felines.

- Acrobat
- Arabesque: Stance with one leg up at a 45-degree angle
- Concello: As in trapeze artist Antoinette Concello
- Gabby: As in Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglas
- Gainer: A backward flip
- Hodgini: After the Hodgini Family of circus aerialists, tightrope walkers and performers
- Hurdle
- Kohei: As in Olympic gymnast Kohei Uchimura
- Manna: A type of stance
- Mary Lou: As in Olympic gymnast Mary Lou Retton
- Mikulak: As in Olympic gymnast Sam Mikulak
- Mitch: As in Olympic gymnast Mitch Gaylord
- Nadia: As in Olympic gymnast Nadia Comaneci
- Pike: A flexed hip stance
- Onodi: Back-handspring with a turn
- Plyo: As in plyometrics
- Salto: A somersault
- Simone: As in Olympic gymnast Simone Biles
- Spelterini: As in tightrope walker Maria Spelterini
- Swinger... though this might get you looks
- Tsukahara: A type of vault
- Twist, Twisty or Twister
- Tuck: Jump with knees in to your chest
- Tumbler
- Wallenda: After the "Flying Wallendas" Family of high-wire circus performers
- Yurchenko: As in Olympic gymnast Natalia Yurchenko
- Zazel: She was the first human cannonball
Siamese cats often love high places, like the refrigerator or on top of the cabinets, making an acrobatic name an awesome choice.
Send in the Clowns
Siamese cat personalities have a reputation for being funny, playful, and even clownish. Famous clowns offer a great treasure trove of potential names for your new cat. Not only does it give your pet a unique and memorable name, but it also provides them a cat name that celebrates their spirited personality.
- Antoschka: As in the famous Russian female clown
- Bozo: As in Bozo the Clown
- Buster: As in Buster Keaton
- Caveagna: Barnum and Bailey Circus clown Steve Caveagna
- Charlie Chaplin
- Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo or Zeppo: The Marx Brothers
- Columbine, Franceschina or Smeraldina: Names of female clown characters in the Commedia dell'arte
- Fratellini: As in Albert and Annie, famous circus family and clowns
- Grimaldi: As in Joseph Grimaldi, a famous English clown
- Grock: A famous Swiss clown
- Harlequin/Harlequina: A clown character from the Italian Commedia dell'arte
- Jester: As in a court jester
- Karandash: As in the famous Russian clown
- Krusty: The clown from The Simpsons
- Laurel or Hardy: As in Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy
- Marceline: A famous French clown
- Mathurine: A famous 17th century female jester
- Napoline: As in Napoline Zoppè, founder of the circus
- Nino: The clown star of the Zoppè circus
- Pennywise: Not a nice clown, but a cute name
- Pierrot: The sad clown character from the commedia dell'arte
- Skelton: As in Red Skelton, famous American clown
- Xavatta: As in Achille Xavatta, a famous French clown
- Zanni: A male clown character and acrobat from the Commedia dell'arte
- Zoppè: Name of a famous Italian circus family
Graceful Siamese Dancers
Along with their athletic ability, their slender and elegant form makes one think of an accomplished dancer. Every fun leap, twist, and turn can be a playful reminder of the dance they're named after. Several types of dancing names could work for your Siamese cat, including:

- Aduma: The jumping dance of the Maasai tribe in Africa
- Bamaaya: Ghanian dance
- Ballarí: Catalan for dancer
- Bailarín: Spanish for dancer
- Ballerino: Italian for dancer
- Bata: Yoruban dance
- Bolero: Spanish/Cuban dance
- Bourrée: French dance
- Danseur: French for dancer
- Danser: Danish, Dutch and Norwegian for dancer
- Dervish: Turkish dancer
- Eskista: Ethiopian dance
- Fandango: Spanish dance
- Farandole: French dance
- Flamenco: Spanish dance
- Gavotte: French dance
- Hula: Hawaiian dance
- Kachina: Hopi dance
- Kabuki: Japanese dance
- Kagura: Japanese dance
- Laysa: Indian dance
- Macru: West African dance
- Manipuri: Indian dance
- Mazurka: European dance
- Nihon: From Nihon Buyo, Japanese dance
- Odissi: Indian dance
- Odori: Jumping Japanese dance
- Ogomu: Korean dance
- Sardana: Spanish dance
- Tandava: Indian dance
- Tarantella: Italian dance
- Tänzer: German for dancer
Gods and Goddesses of the Dance
If your dancing Siamese is also regal, consider naming them for a deity of dance. Throughout history, many cultures have worshipped deities associated with dance, celebrating their stories through rituals, ceremonies, and, of course, dance itself. This type of name can be especially intriguing to lovers of mythology.
- Apollo: Greek god known as the dancer
- Apsara: Beings who dance for the Hindu gods and goddesses
- Bacchus: Roman god honored with dancing
- Cybele: A Phrygian goddess worshipped with wild dancing
- Korybantes: Male dancers in Greek mythology who worshipped Cybele
- Mera: A Khmer nymph honored with dance
- Muse: The nine Greek goddesses of the arts
- Pan: A Greek nature god associated with dancing
- Parvati: Hindu goddess of dance
- Shiva: Hindu god of the dance
- Telete: A female Greek deity associated with evening dances
- Terpsichore: One of the nine Muses associated with dancing
- Uzume: Japanese goddess of mirth and dance
Water Gods, Goddesses, and Creatures
Siamese cats have striking blue eyes that evoke images of the ocean. Their graceful jumps and spins are reminiscent of a silvery sea creature sliding through the waves. Naming your furry feline after water creatures or water spirits could be just what you're looking for.
- Amphitrite: The Greek goddess of the sea
- Iara or Uiara or Yara: A Brazilian water nymph
- Kelpie: A Scottish water spirit
- Jengu: A Cameroonian water spirit
- Lorelei: A German mermaid
- Makara: A Hindu sea creature
- Melusine/Melusina: A female water spirit from European legends
- Merrow: An Irish mermaid
- Mizuchi: A Japanese water dragon/spirit
- Naiad: A Greek female water spirit
- Näkki: A Finnish water spirit
- Nereus: Ancient Greek sea god, often referred to as the Old Man of the Sea
- Nixie: A German water spirit
- Nymph: A Greek female minor deity
- Oceanus: Titan god of the outer sea in Greek mythology
- Ondine: A French water nymph
- Pisces: The Zodiac fish symbol
- Poseidon/Neptune: Greek/Roman god of the sea
- Rán: Norse sea goddess known for capturing sailors with her net
- Rusalka: A female water creature in Eastern European myths
- Ryūjin or Ryōjin: The Japanese sea god
- Sedna: Inuit goddess of the sea and marine animals
- Selkie: A Scottish mythological water creature
- Shen: A Chinese sea monster
- Siren: A Greek sea nymph
- Taniwha: A Mäori water spirit
- Tiamat: Babylonian goddess of the sea
- Triton: A Greek sea god
Consider your Siamese cat's biggest personality trait and then look up a god or goddess best known for this.
Names Derived From Color
Another idea involves naming your Siamese cat based on their eye or coat color. It's a great way to describe and embrace your cat's beauty. Most of the time, cat names based on their coat color are common, like Midnight for a black cat, but Siamese names are a little different. These names evoke critical thinking skills and are a great way to spark a conversation with your house guests.

- Airgead: Irish for silver
- Arian: Welsh for silver
- Bangle: A silver bracelet
- Bluebell
- Bluejay
- Chocola: Dutch for chocolate
- Ciccolato: Italian for chocolate
- Crema: Spanish and Italian for cream
- Dory: Blue fish from Finding Nemo movie
- Fidda: Maltese for silver
- Gorm: Irish for blue
- Hufen: Welsh for cream
- Koor: Estonian for cream
- Lilas: French for lilac
- Lila: German and Dutch for lilac
- Mazarine: A blue butterfly
- Mélyna: Lithuanian for blue
- Morpho: A blue butterfly
- Mystique: Blue character from the X-Men movies and comic books
- Plava: Croatian for blue
- Prata: Galacian for Silver
- Robin: Known for beautiful blue eggs
- Sahne: German for cream
- Seacláid: Irish for chocolate
- Striebo: Slovak for silver
- Suklaa: Finnish for chocolate
- Vellela: A blue jellyfish
- Zilarra: Basque for silver
- Zils: Latvian for blue
Choosing a Name for Your Siamese Cat
There are countless name possibilities for your Siamese cat. If you want yours to really stand out, look for inspiration outside the "usual" options to capture your cat's unique personality or appearance. Whether you lean towards a name with historical significance or one that reflects their beauty, choose a name that you enjoy and your kitty will respond to.