Spanish culture is a rich source of inspiration for a name for your new puppy. You may have a Spanish background yourself, have a Spanish breed, or just love Spain and its cuisine, landscapes, and many cultures including the Catalan and Basque people.
Popular Male Spanish Dog Names
These are some of the most commonly heard Spanish names for men and they can make great names for male dogs like a graceful Ibizan Hound.
Name | Meaning | Notes |
Alejandro | defending men | Spanish version of Alexander |
Alfonso | noble and ready | |
Benito | blessed | |
Cornelio | horn | |
Diego | a diminutive form of Santiago | |
Eduardo | rich guard | |
Esteban | crown or wreath | Spanish version of Stephen |
Faustino | lucky | |
Fidel | faithful | |
Flavio | yellow-haired | |
Gilberto | bright pledge | |
Gonzalo | related to war | name of a Spanish saint |
Guillermo | will helmet | Spanish form of William |
Ignacio | fire | |
Javier | new house | |
Juan | Yahweh is gracious | Spanish form of John |
León | Spanish province | |
Marcos | Roman god of war | Spanish form of Mark |
Mateo | gift of Yahweh | Spanish form of Matthew |
Nando | brave journey | diminutive for Fernando |
Paulo | small or humble | Spanish form of Paul |
Raúl | wolf counsel | Spanish form of Ralph |
Rodolfo | famous wolf | Spanish form of Rudolf |
Salvador | savior | |
Santiago | Saint James | |
Silvio | forest | |
Tomás | twin | Spanish form of Thomas |

Popular Female Spanish Dog Names
These lovely names are some of the most commonly used female names in Spain. They're perfect names for any female dog.
Name | Meaning | Notes |
April | April | |
Adela | noble | |
Alba | dawn | |
Alejandra | Spanish version of Alexandra | |
Alèxia | Spanish version of Alexis | |
Alma | soul or nourishing | |
Carmen | song | |
Clara | bright or famous | |
Consuelo | consolation | |
Dolores | sorrows | |
Elvira | all true | |
Esmerelda | emerald | |
Esperanza | to hope | |
Fátima | a town in Portugal | |
Gemma | gemstone | Catalan origin |
Gloria | glory | |
Imelda | whole battle | |
Inés | chaste | Spanish version of Agnes |
Isabel | God is my oath | Spanish version of Elizabeth |
Isidora | gift of Isis | |
Lourdes | town in Spain important to Catholics | |
Lucía | light | |
Margarita | daisy | Spanish form of Margaret |
Marisol | sea and sun | |
Mercedes | mercies | |
Paloma | dove | |
Pilar | pillar | |
Socorro | relief | |
Soledad | solitude | |
Teresa | to harvest | |
Yolanda | violet |

Cool Male Spanish Dog Names
A cool name for a dog is one that's more unusual with Spanish, Basque, or Catalan origins. Picture one of these names on a big handsome Presa Canario.
Name | Meaning | Notes |
Agapito | beloved | |
Aitor | good father | Basque origin |
Argi | light | Basque origin |
Argider | beautiful light | Basque origin |
Aritz | oak tree | Basque origin |
Arkaitz | rock | Basque origin |
Arrats | afternoon or dusk | Basque origin |
Asier | the beginning | Basque origin |
Baudelio | name of a Spanish saint | |
Benigno | friendly and kind | |
Borja | tower | |
Cosme | order | |
Custodio | guardian | |
Duilio | war | |
Eder | handsome or beautiful | Basque origin |
Eguzki | sun | Basque origin |
Ekaitz | storm | Basque origin |
Epifanio | appearance | |
Erlantz | glow or shine | Basque origin |
Fulgencio | shining | |
Gaizka | savior | Basque origin |
Garaile | victor | Basque origin |
Gotzon | angel | Basque origin |
Hodei | cloud | Basque origin |
Ibai | river | Basque origin |
Itzal | shadow | Basque origin |
Izotz | ice | Basque origin |
Kemen | courage | Basque origin |
Moreno | dark-skinned | |
Olegario | old spear | |
Oroitz | memory | Basque origin |
Ortzi | sky | Basque origin |
Pastor | shepherd | |
Porfirio | purple dye | |
Ramiro | famous advice | |
Rosendo | path of fame | |
Sabas | old man | |
Sancho | holy | |
Sandalio | true wolf | |
Santos | saints | |
Sendoa | strong | Basque origin |
Telmo | from St. Elmo | |
Tercero | third or third-born child | |
Vasco | crow | |
Vinicio | wine | |
Zeru | sky | Basque origin |

Cool Female Spanish Dog Names
These female Spanish names for dogs are more unusual and come from different cultures found in Spain.
Name | Meaning | Notes |
Abene | pillar | Basque origin |
Adoración | adoration | |
Águeda | good | |
Agurne | greeting | Basque origin |
Aina | grace | Catalan origin, version of Anna |
Aintza | glory | Basque origin |
Aitana | Spanish mountain range | |
Alazne | miracle | Basque origin |
Almudena | citadel | |
Alondra | lark | |
Amaia | the end | Basque origin |
Amparo | shelter or protection | |
Ángeles | angels | |
Araceli | alter of the sky | |
Ascensión | ascension | |
Belén | house of bread | |
Berezi | special | Basque origin |
Bidane | way | Basque origin |
Bienvenida | welcome | |
Bihotz | heart | Basque origin |
Corona | crown | |
Edurne | snow | Basque origin |
Emperatriz | empress | |
Enara | a swallow bird | Basque origin |
Eskarne | mercy | Basque origin |
Euria | rain | Basque origin |
Garbi | clean or pure | Basque origin |
Garden | clear or transparent | Basque origin |
Goizane | morning | Basque origin |
Goizargi | morning light | Basque origin |
Gracia | grace | |
Haizea | wind | Basque origin |
Hilargi | moon | Basque origin |
Hirune | trinity | Basque origin |
Idoia | pond | Basque origin |
Ihintza | dew | Basque origin |
Inmaculada | immaculate | |
Irati | fern field | Basque origin |
Itsaso | ocean | Basque origin |
Itxaro | hope | Basque origin |
Izar | star | Basque origin |
Javiera | new house | |
Jovita | from the Roman god Jove | |
Justa | just | |
Leocadia | bright, clear, or white | |
Leyre | mountain range in Spain | |
Luna | moon | |
Maider | beautiful | Basque origin |
Mar | sea | |
Marina | of the sea | |
Milagros | miracles | |
Montserrat | mountain in Spain | |
Nahia | desire | Basque origin |
Naia | sea foam or wave | Basque origin |
Nekane | sorrows | Basque origin |
Nere | mine | Basque origin |
Nereida | sea nymph | |
Nieves | snow | |
Núria | Catalan origin, site of a Catholic shrine in Spain | |
Oihana | forest | Basque origin |
Oriana | gold | |
Osane | remedy | Basque origin |
Pacífica | peacemaker | |
Paz | peace | |
Perla | pearl | |
Perpetua | continuous or perpetual | |
Pía | pious | |
Reina | queen | |
Remedios | remedies | |
Remei | remedy | Catalan origin |
Rocío | dew | |
Rosara | golden rose | |
Salut | health | Catalan origin |
Sol | sun | |
Sorne | conception | Basque origin |
Udane | summer | Basque origin |
Usoa | dove | Basque origin |
Yaiza | town in Spain | |
Soraida | dawn or enchanting |

Spanish Dog Names for Male and Female Dogs
These Spanish names can be used for girls and boys and would work well on a male or female dog of any breed.
Name | Meaning | Notes |
Amets | dream | Basque origin |
Amor | love | |
Arlo | area | Basque origin |
Chus | Shortened form of Jesus or Jesusa | |
Cruz | cross | |
Guadalupe | place in Spain that Catholics revere | |
Guiomar | famous battle | |
Loreto | laurel grove | |
Lupe | shortened form of Guadalupe | |
Reyes | kings | |
Rosario | rosary | |
Trinidad | trinity | |
Zorion | happiness |

Funny Spanish Dog Names
These dog names have some cute and funny meanings that would work well for a silly or small dog, like a Bichon Frise, which originated in the Spanish Canary Islands.
Name | Meaning | Notes |
Alaia | happy | Basque origin |
Besos | kisses | |
Cómico | comic | |
Descarado | sassy | |
Dulce | sweets or candy | |
Erlea | bee | Basque origin |
Esti | sweet honey | Basque origin |
Eulalia | sweet speaking | |
Graciosa or Gracioso | funny | |
Gutxi | little | Basque origin |
Macarena | town in Spain and a famous dance | |
Macario | blessed and happy | |
Zorion | happiness |
Cute Spanish Dog Names
These names for dogs are based on delectable Spanish foods, Spanish words for colors, and flowers native to Spain.
Name | Meaning | Notes |
Amapola | poppy flower | |
Amarillo | yellow | |
Azahar | orange blossom | |
Azucena | madonna lily | |
Blanco | white | |
Bruno | brown | |
Campanilla | bluebell flowers | |
Caramelo | candy | |
Castaño | brown | |
Chorizo | Spanish sausage | |
Clavel | carnation | Spain's national flower |
Colorado | red | |
Croqueta | fried small appetizer | |
Flor | flower | |
Gazania | orange and yellow daisy-like flower | |
Gazpacho | cold tomato soup | |
Gris | gray | |
Jacinta | hyacinth flower | |
Jamón | Spanish ham | |
Lantana | type of flower | |
Lilia | lily | |
Manchego | Spanish cheese | |
Marrón | brown | |
Naranja | orange | |
Oriol | golden | Catalan origin |
Oro | gold | |
Paella | rice dish | |
Pastel | cake | |
Picos | breadstick snack | |
Rojo | red | |
Rosa | rose | |
Sabroso | tasty | |
Salmorejo | a type of gazpacho | |
Sangria | a mix of red wine, fruit juice, and fruit | |
Tapas | a mix of appetizers or small bites | |
Tarta or Torta | cake | |
Turron | a delicious candy made with nougat, nuts, and honey | |
Zuriñe | white | Basque origin |

The Best Spanish Names for Dogs
Choosing a Spanish name for your dog can work well with any breed of dog, whether it's a Spanish Water Dog native to the country, or a happy-go-lucky All-American mixed breed. Consider choosing a Spanish name for your dog to show off your love for Spanish culture and language.