Yes, eggs are generally safe for dogs, but there are recommended tips to follow. With proper precautions, eggs can be an optimal source of nutrition for your canine companion.

Healthy Chickens Equal Safer, Healthier Eggs
Keep in mind that eggs are only as good as the chicken from which they are sourced. Eggs from free-range farm hens given an organic diet should be provided to your dog. Hens, like humans, are only as healthy as the food they consume, and healthier chickens produce healthier, more nutritious eggs.

Eggs contain a significant amount of nutrients beneficial for your pet's well-being, including:
- Iron
- Fatty acids
- Folate
- Protein
- Riboflavin
- Selenium
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B12
Eggs should not be your dog's main source of nutrition, but they are a tasty treat on occasion.
Eggshells Contribute to Overall Well-Being
Eggshells can provide your dog with a good supply of calcium and protein, which will help them maintain strong bones and teeth. Egg shells may be a superior source of calcium than calcium supplements purchased at the store, and they're a natural way to improve overall well-being. They may also help to support the immune system and promote joint, muscular, and heart health.
Preparing Eggs for Your Dog
As with any food item, overeating eggs can cause health issues such as obesity, so consult your veterinarian about the proper number of eggs to feed your favorite canine.
Although most veterinarians advise that you cook eggs before giving them to your dog, some dog owners feed their pets raw eggs. Owners should be aware of the following problems when feeding raw eggs to their dogs:
- Salmonella: Although eggs from healthy hens pose a lower risk than eggs of lower quality, the danger still exists. Owners who feed raw eggs to their dogs also risk contracting salmonella. Salmonellosis is an infection that can occur if a dog eats an egg that has been infected with salmonella. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy are all signs of Salmonellosis.
- Biotin Deficiency: Because egg whites contain avidin, an enzyme that blocks biotin absorption in the body, feeding raw eggs can cause biotin insufficiency. Biotin is a vitamin that helps to maintain the health of your dog's skin, metabolism, cells, and digestive system. Biotin deficiency in dogs is uncommon, although it does occur.
- Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some dogs are also allergic to eggs or have an egg sensitivity. Sneezing, swelling, hives, difficulty breathing, drowsiness, or coughing are all indications of an allergic reaction in dogs.
How to Feed Eggs
Consult your veterinarian before giving your dog eggs. Some dogs should not consume eggs due to medical reasons, so always check first. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Begin by giving your dog one egg at a time. Keep an eye out for symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, such as diarrhea or vomiting. If 24 hours passes and their body accepts the egg, you can begin to incorporate them as an occasional treat.
It's recommended to leave out any seasonings, oils, or other additives when cooking eggs for your dog to consume. Certain seasonings, such as salt, can cause unpleasant side effects ranging from dehydration to salt poisoning.
Boiled eggs are the simplest and healthiest way to prepare eggs, and they may be stored in the fridge for several days. Boiled eggs are practical since you can cook a bunch at once and keep them in the fridge for you and your dog to eat for several days.
Fried eggs, on the other hand, have more calories and fat due to the oil used in frying, making them a less nutritious snack option. Scrambled eggs are the same, since the additional butter and milk required to cook them will enhance the fat content of the dish. Furthermore, if your dog has pancreatitis, it's recommended to avoid feeding them high-fat foods like fried eggs.
Recommended Serving Size
A large dog should not be given more than one egg per day or every other day. Even this could be too much. Alternating treats is equally important as alternating main staples in the diet.
If you have a small breed, purchasing small quail eggs or cutting a chicken egg in half (or quarters for dogs under 10 pounds) is recommended. This is why boiled eggs are the preferred technique for cooking eggs for dogs, since you can adjust the portion size and store the leftovers in the refrigerator for a few days.
Check With Your Veterinarian
You should consult your family veterinarian before adding any new food to your dog's diet, especially if you have any concerns. You might also consult a veterinary nutritionist or a holistic veterinarian about new foods, as they are more knowledgeable about natural foods. Overall, eggs are a healthy treat that your dog can enjoy on occasion.